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  Domain names introduction
    Todaynic.com, Inc is one of the ICANN and CNNIC accredited domain name registrars and by far one of the largest registrant in China. Also,Todaynic.com,Inc. is HK domain name Golden Service Partner of HKIRC too.All the domain names you want can be found here.All the domain names registered through todaynic are of real-time registration and real-time operation.
The showed prices are market prices. Please login to find out the price for resellers. Registration fee is free for new resellers.
Domain names   Description Reseller Price(USD/ year) Market price(USD / year) Order now
  International domain names
.COM Suitable for business entity, the most popular domain $6.86 $17.37
.NET Initially used in network institution such as ISP $6.86 $17.37
.ORG Organization include non-business $6.58 $16.15
.BIZ Biz for business; used in business enterprise $7.26 $16.15
.INFO Top level domain name for common information service. $4.69 $8.41
.NAME Design for individuals $8.35 $13.57
China Top Level Domain Name(.com.cn/.net.cn/.cn) Besides .CN/.COM.CN/.ORG.CN /.GOV.CN, it includes China Regional Domains, such as:.bj.cn (Beijing),.sh.cn(Shanghai),.gd.cn(Guangdong) $6.38 $13.43
.WS Domain name for websites $13.98 $27
.HK Domain .hk domain name is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Hong Kong.
$26.19 (first year: $26.14) $45.87
.TRAVEL Travel industry domain name $175.86 $244.25
.SH Shop,electronical commerce domain name
$61.06 $89.56
.AC Domain name for accounting
$61.06 $89.56
.IO Domain name for Input/output facility $61.06 $89.56
.TW Domain name of Taiwan Area $29.99 $47.49
.MOBI Cellphone and mobile terminal unit domain name $15.13 $22.8
.US ccLTD of USA $16.28 $24.29
.TM Domain name for trade mark $393.39 $488.37
.CC 'cc'can be interpreted as the abbreviation of 'Commercial Company',which has clear and brief meanings. $27.14 $40.44
.ASIA   $13.57 $21.58
.JOBS   $216.92 $379.95
.TV 'TV'domain name will become mainstream domain name of panauision times.It's site will be used for audiovisual,MTV,movie,TV conference $40.17 $58.35
.VC .VC is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. A .VC can be marketed for different purposes. Extension for Visual C++ or Vitamin C. $59.57 $119.41
.AG .AG is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of Antigua and Barbuda. A .AG can be marketed for extension for Agriculture or Ag (Silver element). $0 $0
.BZ .BZ is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of Belize. .BZ "A shorter way to business!" - an ideal opportunity for businesses and consumers that have been unable to register their desired name in other domains. $0 $0
.IN .IN is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of India.
A. IN can be marketed either for extension for INdividual or simply because you are from c India or you are looking to do business with India.
$40.17 $78.7
.MN .MN is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of Mongolia. A .MN can be marketed as an extension for Minnesota. $95.67 $203.55
.SC .SC is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of the Seychelles. .SC - can be marketed for different purposes. SCotland, South Carolina, extension for SCience, SportClubs or simply because you are either from the Seychelles or you have business associated with the Seychelles. $0 $0
.LA   $35.28 $59.71
.ME Me is the new member of ccTLD family. Individuals can express themselves freely on the internet space. Use the domain with .me for your own Web site, blog, photo album, or anything else to share with your family and friends all over the world.
ME is the country code of Montenegro. There are no restrictions in regard of registrant's residence or other contact policies, also no restrictions of the content.
$27.28 $42.74
.com/.net IDN NAME (xn--blq9g996dr9x).com/ (xn--blq9g996dr9x).net $10.18 $38
.BIZ IDN NAME biz for business; used in business field $10.18 $38
.HK IDN NAME .HK Chinese Domain Name
prices in first year $20.90 per
$40.71 $48.85
.SH IDN NAME .sh for shop,used in electronical commerce $61.06 $89.56
.AC IDN NAME used in finance and science field $61.06 $89.56
.IO IDN NAME Input/Output Facility $61.06 $89.56
.TW IDN NAME .TW Chinese Domain Name $35.69 $54.14
.CC IDN NAME 'cc'can be interpreted as the abbreviation of 'Commercial Company',which has clear and brief meanings. $27.14 $40.44
.TV IDN NAME 'TV'domain name will become mainstream domain name of panauision times.It's site will be used for audiovisual,MTV,movie,TV conference $42.07 $61.06
.TM IDN NAME Trade mark domain name $393.39 $488.37
 *  Please use i-NavTM plug-in (supported by VeriSign) to make IDN domain work on your browser
1USD =7.36935 RMB 1 HK$ =0.99015 RMB Save more with Hong Kong Dollars!
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